The University of Winchester Academy Trust (UWinAT) is committed to safeguarding and ensuring the wellbeing of its pupils through a culture of vigilance.
.All staff, governors, trustees and visitors are expected to share, and demonstrate, our commitment to embedding safeguarding throughout the Trust.
Each school 's web site publishes policies which demonstrate its commitment to safeguarding.
These include:
- Safeguarding policy
- Anti bullying policy
- Behaviour policy
- E-safety policy
- Health and Safety policy
- Child Protection policy
- Prevent Duty
Each school has at least one trained designated safeguarding lead (DSL), and a designated local academy committee (LAC) governor with responsibility for ensuring the governance of safeguarding adheres to best practice.
There is a named safeguarding trustee who liaises regularly with the safeguarding governors in the LACs to guide on best practice and reports termly to the Board of Trustees.
The LACs are updated regularly by leaders about safeguarding practices, policies and reviews and developments, and support and challenge from governors are recorded in the minutes.
All staff are trained to the standards required by Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE 2023).
The Trust’s curriculums reflect best practice relating to the statutory guidance on Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education. Each school’s Sex and Relationships policy is on its web site.
Staff can identify behaviours which suggest a mental health problem which could be an indicator of abuse, neglect or exploitation.
Our children are taught how to keep themselves safe from behaviour they perceive to be bullying or abuse and how to report it.
The Trust’s schools have filtering and monitoring safeguards to prevent children accessing inappropriate material on computers.
Staff, governor, trustee and volunteer recruitment practices and policies are applied rigorously, including identity checks, securing references, and DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) and List 99 checks.
All adults working, volunteering or governing in our schools are required to undergo enhanced DBS checks.
Each LAC and the Trust Board has at least 2 governors who are trained in safer recruitment; training is refreshed regularly.
The Trust has policies to manage allegations against staff, whistleblowing, and the use of physical intervention.
Each individual school is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Hampshire Safeguarding Children Partnership procedures and practices.